Sunday, October 20, 2013

Uncle Pooter's Christmas Stocking Stuffer Special!

Howdy Folks! 

It's been awhile since we last updated, but when it comes to cleaning headlights, there's not much that can beat the power of Pooters!  Our formula is designed to remove haze & oxidation in headlight restoration, and our eBay feedback proves it!
See here

We've been so busy over the Summer, we just haven't had the chance to update!

Well, we finally have gotten a small break here, so we've launched our Stocking Stuffer Special for the second year!  This time with TWO options!

This year, we are offering our:

(4) 2.5-oz "Li'l Reds" for $20

Headlight Cleaner 4 for 20

and now our (4) 4-oz Fat Boys for $25
Fat Boy Headlight Cleaner 4 for 25
Both are available either on eBay or

Yes, as always, that's with FREE Shipping here in the U.S!

Now, while supplies last, you can show your Pooter Pride because we're including a free bumper sticker with every order! 

We want to thank you for your business & hope the word of mouth keeps spreading!
We're on the move and may have landed in your back yard!
Track Uncle Pooter's Travels on our map here and see all of the wonderful places Uncle Pooters has been!
Thanks again from us here at Uncle Pooters and tell a friend!

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Uncle Pooter's Summer Newsletter

Howdy Y'all and thank you for your business!

Summer's almost here, and we here at Uncle Pooters would like to kick off the season with a great Memorial Day Sale--Father's Day Sale or Summer Sale!

We did have a good plan for one, but in light of recent events, we've decided rather than kick off a sale, we would rather donate the savings on sales discounts to the families & victims of the recent super storm up in Moore, Oklahoma.

Until further notice, we are offering many of our listings in our eBay store with a percentage going toward the Tornado Relief Fund.  Right now, there is an immediate and continuous need for supplies, food & rebuilding at this time, and this will last quite awhile.

We hope that you or someone you know will take part in our effort to help these folks - 

They sure can use any help you can give right now.

Here is the link to our store. 

All charitable sales are marked with a ribbon next to the listing.

Thank you & tell a friend!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Uncle Pooter's

Headlight Cleaner / Plastic Lens Restorer Spring Special

Hey y'all! Happy April from Uncle Pooters!!

That can mean just a few things.. The weather's warming up & it's also time for Spring Cleaning!

This month, Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce gives you an advantage with our
Spring Cleaning Headlight Cleaner Special
with 20% off select items both on our website
and our Ebay Store 

Drop on in or tell a friend!

We have plenty available

and as always,

Thank you for your business!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Uncle Pooter's February Newsletter

Howdy Happy Pooter people and a Happy February to you!

First of all, we want to thank you all for your business here in the U.S, and around the world, wherever you are!  We have updated our current map HERE  .

As 2013 is coming around, we're making some changes too!  Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce is growing, we have relocated, sales are up,  and that means some changes.

Not drastically, just a nip & a tuck here & there.

Uncle Pooter's 3-oz Jug
First off, our little 3-oz jug which has been with us from the beginning.  For those of you who may have ordered this, we want to thank you, because it is going away.  We are sad to announce this, as it has and always will be the iconography of Uncle Pooter's.  
However, over time, this little jug has declined in sales, it has become extremely expensive to purchase and time-consuming to produce.
It is also made of a heavier plastic which adds weight to our shipping costs.
This is unnecessary as our product isn't heated.
We have a very narrow variety of volumes which hinders its sales also.
(2.5-oz, 3-oz & 4-oz)  Not much of a difference.

As you may or may not know, the U.S.P.S. has increased its rates in late January.  This, in combination with all that other stuff up there, means its the last straw--our poor ol' jug has to go.
we have very few left so once they're gone, they're gone.  (Except for 1 that ol' Uncle Pooter is gonna put on a shelf.)

This isn't the end of the world, or scaling back.  In fact, it allows us and you an opportunity!

Uncle Pooter's 4-oz Bottle
With the exile of our 3-oz, we are going to be introducing a replacement.  A NEW 8-oz Bottle which looks just like our 4-oz bottle!
This will allow not only a wider variety of volumes to choose from, but also keep the look & feel of Uncle Pooters Headlight Sauce, which most folks tend to lean toward.
Look for it later this month!

Don't fret! We still have our 2.5-oz "Li'l Reds"

As I mentioned earlier, the Post Office has increased its rates.  This means more changes by us in order to keep our prices low, for you!

Old-style shipping boxes
Although we love sending out our product in boxes, it also adds weight.  This, in turn costs more to ship.  With the rise in Postage Rates, we looked for an alternative and are going to bubble-mailers, which are lighter, cost less, and use less materials.  

We have also tweaked our labels just a bit
We're adding a Pink Tag
Our FIRST order in Alaska!  Yup-- I think ol Pooter can do an Artic Cat too!
We've listed our sales on Blujay which has very low listing fees.  We hope for a few visitors soon!

We hope you'll pass us on to a friend, as word of mouth is getting us out there!

We're pretty proud of our eBay Feedback which is slowly climbing!  

Once again, we want to thank you for your business and we hope to see you or a friend soon!

Have a great Valentine's Day, but maybe don't give a bottle of Pooter's to your honey as a Valentine's Day gift.  --might start divorce proceedin's!

Happy February & like us on Facebook!  Give us a +1 on G+!  Be safe & God bless!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy 2013 from Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce

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Happy 2013 Y'all!

View this email in your browser

Put another one in the books.

We've made quite a few changes in 2012, and 2013 promises to have even more positive changes!
We're excited to see all of you having positive results from your Pooters!

Thank you!

We want to thank ALL who have purchased in 2012, allowing us to continue to grow.

We had quite a turnout on Christmas orders, and are happy to know many new folks had the opportunity to gaze upon the oddity of a bottle of Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce when they first saw it!
Well, 2012 is nothing but a memory now. Some we're sure you'd rather forget, but, some good like buying your first bottle of Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce!  

It's folks like you who help us grow and we want to thank you for your business!
Now Our most popular, our 4-oz Fat Boy Blue is being shipped all over!

Just $7.99
and Get $2.00 OFF!

That's right!
Refer a friend, have them mention our newsletter at checkout,  and you 
will receive $2.00 off their purchase as a refund at shipping!


We've relocated!
This year, we have relocated to Milton, FL
and have set up shop with new ergonomics for better expedience in production, and shipping.

Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes...

 This year we are going to be working towards acquiring wholesale accounts!  We started wholesaling late last year, and are offering cases and one-gallon jugs at uncle pooters. If you happen to know someone at your local car wash in your town or a detailing shop, send 'em our way!

We've updated our website with a new look & feel, removed our spanish moss, but added collectibles, added YouTube Videos, added new bottles which are in a couple small stores and This Year, we are changing the look of our 2.5-oz "Li'L Red" Label and, as you can see, updated our email quality as well.
Uncle Pooter's Baseball Cap

Did you know...not only through our website  and eBay,  but we sell on:
and a few more!  So  tell a friend!  Uncle Pooter's is EVERYWHERE!

Our Shipping Map has Expanded!

People all over the world are getting to experience the power of Pooters, and perhaps near you!
See our shipping map here!Uncle Pooter's Shipping Map
Once again,  wherever you may be today, we want to thank you for your business from us at Uncle Pooters, and wish you a prosperous 2013!

Thanks again for your business!  ♥
Uncle Pooter -Uncle Pooters.
Come see us!

Copyright © *|2013* *||*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Uncle Pooters
Milton, FL


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Holidays from Uncle Pooter!

Headlight Cleaner & Plastic Lens Restorer

for your old faded headlights!

Hi guys!  It's that time of year again!  A bit between Black Friday,  Cyber Monday  and Grandmaw's house!

We here at Uncle Pooters want to wish y'all a Really happy Holiday season and a Happy New Year!

We still have our Headlight Restoration formula bottled up in red & green tags for our Stocking Stuffer Special with Free Shipping thru December 14th so Git yer orders in to guarantee shipping by Christmas!

You can Also get one single bottle of our Headlight Cleaner at great discounts right at our store

Headlight Restoration shouldn't be a complicated hassle!
With Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce, all you have to do is rub on, rub in & rinse off!
It's that easy!

We ship FREE in sturdy recyclable cardboard boxes and ship same or next business day!

Check out our 4-page Shipping Map of Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce Travels & see where in the world Uncle Pooter has been!
Maybe in yer neck of the woods!

These are happy Pooter people! 
You can be a Pooter too!

Once again, stop by our website & even if ya don't get ya some, give us a +1!

We're growing and have wholesale available also so tell a friend, or drop us a line!

Happy Holidays from Uncle Pooters!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

'Tis the Season for Holiday Stocking Stuffers!

Greetings all, and welcome to the November Newsletter for Uncle Pooters!

We know it's a bit late, but with all of the crazy goin's on lately, we decided to wait a bit until all of the chaos died down.

We have a few updates to cover in this issue, but first we'd like to send our thoughts up to you all in the Northeast who have had the double-whammy hit ya hard!  We're hoping y'all will get back on your feet soon & have a warm & prosperous Holiday.  Some of our select items in our Ebay Store do have a percentage going to the Red Cross so check it out.

In other news, we have added a portal page to our website containing Gift cards, cell phones & cameras, for those of you looking for a bargain on those kinds of things. 

Now for our Christmas Stocking Stuffer Special!
We have put 4 of our 2.5-oz little reds all together in one package for $20.00   and yes, that's with free shipping!  Uncle Pooter's Li'l Red is small & makes a perfectly-unique stocking stuffer!

Plenty of folks have been checkin' out the power of Pooters, so we always keep an updated map of where Uncle Pooter has traveled!  Maybe in your neck of the woods!
View Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce Travels in a larger map

So if you, or someone you know has a vehicle with old, faded headlights, pass it on or Git ya some & give the gift of Pooters this year!  We have a great line of products to fit almost anyone's budget!  All of our individual bottles are under 10 bucks and as always, that's with FREE Shipping.
We also have just launched Pooter Merchandise available at
Hoodies, Mugs, Tshirts & other great stuff! 


 Show yer Pooter Pride!

Yes, that's right!  We sell Wholesale cases as well!  You can make some extra cash by being a distributor / reseller of Uncle Pooter's Headlight Sauce if you'd like!  Flea Market, Small Stores, Curious Shops, Auto Parts Store, Car wash, Detailing Shop.  Anywhere!  You set your price and sales strategy.  It's a great opportunity!

Well, as always, we'd like to say "Tell a friend!  Pass us on!  and... Thank you for your business!